What's Not Being Said About the Tamara Mowry Madness

by Guest User in , ,

Tamara, it breaks my heart that you have to endure any of this unkindness and cruelty. No one deserves it, least of all someone who's simply loving another. And it's because I understand what it feels like and want to live in a world where this doesn't happen that I don't want to miss a chance to take a closer look at what's going on here. The issue goes deep. This bigotry and cruelty is the result of systemic horrors that this country is still unwilling to take full responsibility for so we keep the discussions at the surface.

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What Ad Age Has to Say About the Swiffer Ad

by Guest User

In my initial post on this ad I was so excited about the family that I skipped over the fact that not only does this ad have an interracial couple and an amputee but the DAD IS CLEANING. As Ad Age says, they're pulling a bunch of progressive levers at once," but I don't care, I love it every time I see it. I agree wholeheartedly that this commercial is "a rare bit of respite from cynicism." Thanks again to my former team at Publicis Kaplan Thaler and Procter & Gamble for pushing something real. Read more from Ad Age here.



Katie, Please do Better Next Time

by Guest User in

from January 9th, 2014. http://wearethe15percent.com Alex & Camille are featured as well - http://alexbarnettcomic.com & Ken Wheaton from AdAge

Last Friday Katie Couric featured the lovely and genius Alyson West and her husband Michael David Murphy, on her show. They're the the force behind "We are the 15%", the website started in response to the backlash over the Cheerios commercial featuring the interracial family. I had met with Alyson when I passed through Atlanta driving cross country so I was especially excited to see her on TV. What didn't excite me was Katie. In addition to smiling the entire time while talking about interracial relationships, a serious topic, one that despite popular misconception, often is a life and death situation, she says, "I remember thinking how cool!" when talking about how she felt when watchin the Philly cream cheese commercial with the interracial couple. Katie Couric talks about this topic the same way she would about a "neat" new household gadget. Ooohh, how interesting, how cool, people that look like you are on TV. How does that make you feel? Are you serious Katie? That's the best you can do? What she should be saying is how noticing the recent influx of interracial families in commercials made her realize how underrepresented they've been and how troubling that is in 2014. On the upside, at least Ad Age finally thinks we're worth talking about.