Love this clip, so moving! And it holds a special place in my heart since my grandfather was also in the army and stationed in Germany after WW II.
Dr. Yaba' Blay's "One Drop," Exploring Notions of Blackness
Superbowl Suprise-Gracie's Getting a Brother!
Beyond the fact that in their first Superbowl ad EVER Cheerios is bringing back our beloved interracial family, I love this ad because it's about love and family, things we can ALL relate to. It's refreshing when media reflects human subject matter that shows our sameness rather than our differences. And little Gracie kills it, her expression's are fantastic. No better ad dollars ever spent. (Yes, we know, too bad it's not for a non GMO cereal, I'll take it anyway. )
Why This Didn't Sit Right
I found this on a Facebook page meant to celebrate interracial dating. At first I couldn't articulate why it didn't make me smile. I really wanted it to since obviously I agree that lots and lots of mixed babies are ridiculously cute. Then it hit me after reading about #PrettyPeriod, Dr. Yaba Blay's brilliant new project celebrating the beauty of dark-skin, without qualifying it, e.g. "she's pretty for a dark-skinned girl."And that's it. In the same vein, we perfect mixes shouldn't qualify our "beautiful" either, even in jest. It's just kind of dumb. I mean come on, don't we get enough exotic creature treatment without doing it to ourselves?